In front of regional and trade authorities, men and women from Maule to Los Rios, received the recognition of their peers, in an emotional ceremony held at the Expocorma site in Coronel.

Each year, the Chilean Timber Corporation (CORMA), a trade association that brings together professionals, entrepreneurs and companies in the Chilean forestry sector, including MASISA, held the CORMA 2023 Awards, highlighting professionals, companies and community organizations. Given the relationship of its collaborators with the community, MASISA applied for the CORMA 2023 Awards in two categories: Best Worker 2023 and Community Relations.

The activity that took place at the traditional fairgrounds of the Expocorma in Coronel, as a central element to make visible the testimony of life, effort and overcoming of the workers themselves, CORMA awarded 50 workers, companies and community organizations, from Maule to Los Rios, who stood out for their contribution to the sector and through them, honored the thousands of men and women who work every day in the forestry and timber industry in the country. 

Felipe Henríquez, Head of Social Management added "we are very pleased to have been awarded the Best Worker 2023 and to have received the Condor of the Winds for the Local Value program, an initiative promoted by the Community Relations team and built with the entrepreneurs of Cabrero and San Pedro de la Paz. These acknowledgments are a clear example of the resilience and temperance of the daily work we carry out at MASISA in conjunction with the neighbors of our communities where we are present".

At the awards ceremony in the 'Best Worker 2023' category, Carlos Vallejos Villegas, Termination Line Operator, and Jorge Ramírez Moncada, Profiler Operator and Captain of the MASISA Emergency Brigade, were recognized. In the category 'Community Relations', the SMS and Community Relations Management was recognized for the 'Local Value Program', which is built in collaboration with the entrepreneurs of San Pedro de la Paz and Cabrero.

Jorge Ramírez, Profiling Machine Operator and Captain of the MASISA Emergency Brigade, added "after 20 years of hard work, this recognition is very important and gives us the strength to continue working and fighting for this. We really have a strong season ahead, we are super committed and this recognition strengthens our commitment to the company to keep going forward."

Carlos Vallejos Villegas, Termination Line Operator, mentioned "in the first instance, I thank MASISA for the nomination and CORMA for such a distinguished gift of recognition for all the work done in the company. I am very happy." 

The honorees received a wooden sculpture, a replica of the "Condor of the Winds", which is located in the Civic Quarter of Concepción.